The Indie Web
4.4.2020 code

The most beautiful command line docs. Maybe ever?

When you’re getting into development, one of the trickier things is getting used to the command line. Learning git, and git commands are often one of the first steps in Bootcamps, and for anyone who is coming into coding from a design or creative background, suddenly working in the brutally simple terminal can come as a big surprise.

This wonderful website, dash dash, takes all of the manual pages of different command-line tools and pulls all of that documentation into a clean concise website.

What went into it?
3.9.2020 art roundup

Wash those hands! Creatives types are showing up to teach you good hygiene.

In the grips of the current COVID–19 climate, we’re all understandably in the midst of looking at our current hygienic ways, and ideally improving it for the better of all of us!

Over the past few weeks I’ve spotted a lot of very helpful and creative projects popping up within the personal hygiene realm, and I’d love to highlight them!

Wash Your Lyrics by William Gibson is one of my favorite examples.

We’ve learned that washing your hands to the tune of Happy Birthday (some people say twice) is a great way to get the correct amount of time to have truly clean hands. Wash Your Lyrics allows you to provide a song, and with the tempo and lyrics to that song, it will give you the step by step guide to washing your hands with it!

Lets see em?
3.2.2020 code art

Broider your borders with this nifty tool!

The aptly named Broider by Max Bittker is a nifty tool for creating, and decorating, your borders.

Broider allows you to paint your borders in a one-bit style (the bit is either on or off, no colors), with a few small tools to help keep things in line: a 9x9 grid, an undo button (for people like me who never get things right the first time), and a little lock button that will keep all of your painting symmetrical.

What have people been making?
2.21.2020 art code open-source

This text editor is for the new world.

Are you looking for the next big adventure within the wild world of text editors? Something a little more exciting than your day-to-day, monospaced, “every time you press a key the letter appears” life?

Well, here it is: TEXTREME! The new frontier in text editor functionality. And the recipe is perfect…

  1. A pinch of pixelized 8-bit typography. (With Unicode support.)

  2. A splash of particle explosions, one for every letter you type.

  3. A swirling sensory explosion of thumps and thuds for every keypress — A laser zap for each new line.

  4. For every character you delete, send it flying off the editor like there’s no tomorrow.

  5. To see if you can type to a metronomic beat, a super quirky rhythm mode.

How is it built?

Generative placeholder images for your next project!

When I think of placeholder images, I will always think of the forever wonderful placekitten and placepuppy. This project though, adds a beautiful piece of randomness, art, and joy that we’ve come to know and love from generative art.

Generative Placeholders has an artistic and nerdy flair with the added perk that your placeholders will be extra unique!

The project offers a wide range of great generative and mathematical art. It has also gone above and beyond to include some wonderful color palettes, provided by the lovely nice color palettes node module.

For example:

Generative Artwork 1


Generative Artwork 2

If you’re concerned that all your images will look the same, fear not! There’s an extra URL parameter (img=X) where X is the specific seed you would like to use for each individual image.

What's happening behind the scenes?