The Indie Web
3.31.2020 open-source

Real vim users use vim cubed!

Has anyone ever stopped you on the street to show you their vim setup? Well, now you have the perfect reply with vim cubed.

Vim Cubed will bring your code editing into the 3rd dimension, literally in the form of a spinning cube. As the cube spins infinitely, your editor works with all the gusto and power that vim can provide.

Any extra details?

Create your own art by tinkering with this machine's wacky controls.

A lot of generative artists show off their creations with some clever curation tools that allow you to make small adjustments. This project is a great expansion on that idea.

Tinkersynth is a generative art machine, in the literal sense, modeled after a synth. With the artwork on the left and a set of special tools on the right, you can tweak each slider to change different aspects of the art.

Tinkersynth encourages you to play with it and discover how each of the tools works—just like how you might learn how to use an actual synth for the first time. Each icon means something different, and you’ll need to play with each and every one before you feel ready to leave the page.

In the words of the creator, Joshua Comeau:

Tinkersynth prioritizes being delighted by unexpected effects rather than creating an intuitive, predictable tool.

If the joy of creating artwork isn’t enough, Tinkersynth is full of secrets and easter eggs that will keep you exploring. Each of the sliders and inputs is a delight to use. They all obey the law that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

More about the artworks and code
2.21.2020 art code open-source

This text editor is for the new world.

Are you looking for the next big adventure within the wild world of text editors? Something a little more exciting than your day-to-day, monospaced, “every time you press a key the letter appears” life?

Well, here it is: TEXTREME! The new frontier in text editor functionality. And the recipe is perfect…

  1. A pinch of pixelized 8-bit typography. (With Unicode support.)

  2. A splash of particle explosions, one for every letter you type.

  3. A swirling sensory explosion of thumps and thuds for every keypress — A laser zap for each new line.

  4. For every character you delete, send it flying off the editor like there’s no tomorrow.

  5. To see if you can type to a metronomic beat, a super quirky rhythm mode.

How is it built?

Generative placeholder images for your next project!

When I think of placeholder images, I will always think of the forever wonderful placekitten and placepuppy. This project though, adds a beautiful piece of randomness, art, and joy that we’ve come to know and love from generative art.

Generative Placeholders has an artistic and nerdy flair with the added perk that your placeholders will be extra unique!

The project offers a wide range of great generative and mathematical art. It has also gone above and beyond to include some wonderful color palettes, provided by the lovely nice color palettes node module.

For example:

Generative Artwork 1


Generative Artwork 2

If you’re concerned that all your images will look the same, fear not! There’s an extra URL parameter (img=X) where X is the specific seed you would like to use for each individual image.

What's happening behind the scenes?
2.13.2020 vue open-source

Are you the best, that's ever been, like no one was before?

At this point in our lives Pokémon is, and will always be, one of the best-selling and most popular games in existance… but everyone’s attention fades with time. Still, a huge community of people continue to stick with the game and follow it through its many stages.

For me, I fell off in the last few years… BUT, that doesn’t make this amazing quiz, Pokémon Master, any less interesting and fun.

The idea is simple. If you’ve ever played the beloved “WHO’S THAT POKÉMON” game, well then you know all the rules. See the Pokémon. Guess the Pokémon. There’s added complexity in that, although the Pokémon isn’t shaded as a silhouette, it could literally be any Pokémon ever — not just the easy to guess ones.

And the tech?