The Indie Web

The best of PlotterTwitter, January 2020.

Well, January is almost over and it’s time for a recap of one of my favorite Twitter hashtags: #PlotterTwitter.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with #PlotterTwitter, it’s a place for people to show off their plotter art. It has become an incredibly creative space with everyone able to see each other work and expand upon it.

And so here we are, a little recap of some of the best works in January’s #PlotterTwitter!

Netpraxis created some very nice designs using moiré patterns which are complex patterns that emerge by overlaying two simple patterns on top of each other. They can look endlessly complex and simple at the same time.

Julien Gachadoat created some super clean, mechanical-esque plots. I haven’t really seen anything like it.

Showing that you can find inspiration anywhere, Ruud de Rooij plotted out every single way to cross a road 7 times without crossing over your path.

Tyler Hobbs used a plotter to draw outlines of circles, and then painted the colors in by hand.

Louis Hoebregts recreated some Keith Haring works with a creative grid of swirls.

Yuin Chien plotted out 2D renderings of folded paper based on origami diagrams. With beautiful colored markers on black paper, they truly pop out of the page.

Paul Rickards has continued his amazing creativity with his work on shaded triangles. Those crosshatches must really push the plotter to its limits.

ShornOne played with stippling, creating patterns and images from small dots.

Luke Patton has been creating extremely elaborate patterns. They simply start at one edge of the paper and get increasingly complex as they move towards the other edge.

Rev Dan Catt’s blue on black designs feel like they’re putting more color onto the page than actually possible.

And finally, Julien Espagnon’s pieces show how beautiful random, meandering paths can get.

There we have it. These are my favorite plots from January 2020… Of course, you can come back in a month for more! And if you’re the owner of any of these plots and would love to expand on your process, don’t be afraid to reach out :)
