The Indie Web
2.2.2020 code

Minimalist note-taking has never been easier.

Note-taking is as old as time and over the years there have been various note-taking apps with new takes on what works… and since everyone is different, each app has its own audience!

Manifest.App is a great grid-based, sticky-note-esque note-taking app, (built by Jonathon Toon) that runs nicely in your browser.

Manifest utilizes a neat grid structure, ensuring your notes sit nice and cleanly on the page. You can click and drag, adding as many notes as you like. The pinboard streteches nicely to your whims, working great on both big and small screens.

In an effort to keep things as simple as possible, features are scarce (in a good way). This keeps your notes short and precise, without the need to overflow the page.

Manifest.App supports dark mode straight off the cuff. Naturally, it uses your local user settings which means there’s no need for a settings panel. There’s very little that complicates the user interface or code.

On the topic of the code, which is generously open source, there are no complicated frameworks—just clean and beautiful vanilla javascript. Well worth prying into if you’re looking to learn!

And as a nice final touch, again very consistent with the minimalism, the notes are stored locally on your machine. No overcomplicated logins or accounts.

Jonathon Toon