The Indie Web
1.24.2020 font variable font

Marvin, a space aged variable font for the modern web.

Ever since variable fonts were introduced to the web, we’ve been seeing more and more creativity and beauty. Marvin Visions popped up in 2017 and was a trailblazer that carved out the space!

Marvin Visions is a modern and consistent reinterpretation of Marvin, a typeface originally designed by Michael Chave in 1969 and published by Face Photosetting. It has been revived and expanded by Mathieu Triay for the identity of Visions, a new science fiction magazine.

Now, Marvin Visions was released in 2017. But it’s really just too amazing not to write about!

The website itself shows off how sleek and versatile variable fonts can be, resizing seamlessly from thick to thin, tall to short.

It has to be said that the magazine, Visions, itself is a true beauty. Everything about it is meticulously designed and appealing.

Marvin Visions is available for personal use (for free!), and then has licensing options for commercial use. Plus if you scroll to the bottom of the page, you can read about the history of its development and the people involved.

Marvin Visions
Visions Magazine